Monday, April 20, 2009

Finishing the quilt

Samuel practicing his downward dog on the Wii!

Driving with Mario Cart on the Wii

Starting the quilting part of my quilt, what a BIG HUGE PAIN!!

That's a whole lot of fabric to feed through that little machine,
I so need a long arm to do this stuff!!

It's quilted, now on to the binding!

This is such a pretty quilt, I love all the colors, but when you do a project this size it just never seems to end, especially with what little time I have to spend on extracurricular projects!

More Easter pictures

A friend of Michael's had a trampoline they weren't using and asked if we wanted it!! So now we have more stuff in our yard for the boys to play on. The Easter bunny was very generous this year!! It's funny too how a new trampoline will barely give when little kids are on it, Michael got on this one (10 yrs old) and actually hit the ground with one of his big bounces!! It's so nice having so many friends with older kids, we have gotten our big swing set, bikes, bouncy horses, picnic table, bunk bed, and many other nice hand me downs that way. Got to love saving money!
looking for eggs

Lightning McQueen Easter egg!

Lots and lots of eggs

lets count em

Thanks Katherine for all the fun Easter decorating stuff you got for the boys!! They could not keep their little paws off the "Cars coloring kit" or the window decorations. Oh well what fun is it if you can't play with it?
Sorry the blog will only allow for so many pictures to be uploaded and I wanted to post more so here they are.


Coloring eggs

Bunny Pancakes for Easter

Humm which one shall I start with?

Wow look at all this stuff we got

Gabriel 3 1/2 months

We had a really good Easter, we colored eggs which the boys loved maybe a little too much. I've got boiled eggs out the wazoo, luckily Michael's pretty inventive and we have put a good dent in the 2 dozen eggs that were colored.

Samuel ate too much candy and after a good nap in the afternoon he woke up puking!!! UGG. I ended up staying up with him till midnight (when he finally held it in and fell asleep) so that he wouldn't choke on anything. We were all really tired the next day from all that excitement. I don't think the boys will ever forget when we tell them to stop eating candy, because now they really know it will make them sick. Why do life lessons come the hard way?
Gabriel is now 4 months and I didn't get a picture taken on the 12th but will post one as close to the 12th so you can see how big he is!!!

Baby Food and Bunk Beds

I should have waited and posted after I had made the beds!! Oh well, you get the idea!

The boys are enjoying sharing a room and Michael and I seem to think they are getting along better since they moved into Samuel's room. A friend of ours gave us a bunk bed frame but the top bunk didn't have rails so Hunter had to wait a few days after we got home from Durango (the ol switcharoo with the crib) for Michael to add some rails to the top bunk and a ladder too. They think bunk beds are so cool. Heck I did too when I was young!

Gabriel is growing like a weed, I missed getting his 3 month picture with the date, height and weight posted because we were traveling but we did get professional pictures taken while were visiting Durango. So when I get those returned in the mail I'll post em. They are SOOO cute! He has also started on solids now and he took to that no problem. I think he likes food...what Beeman or Paulek doesn't.

Snow Storm

Raised bed gardens, one is Michael's and one is mine we are competing to see who grows a better garden!! His is coming up faster but I'm sure mine will yield more produce.

I will figure out this blog thing soon, but for some reason it posts the pictures the opposite of how I pick them. So here is a picture of after the big snow storm...literally the day after all the snow was gone!! That's how I like snow here for a day so we can play and gone the next.

It was snowing so hard and coming down in big flakes, the boys really enjoyed it.

My Azalea's!! RUINED

Sure sign of spring, a cardinal looking for food!! BEAUTIFUL!

Spring has sprung

The boys flying kites

Hunter and Sam waiting for the bus, can you see Hunter's name he wrote? The H is REALLY long

Well, I have finally found some time to download some new pictures and post on my blog, or is it more like I am ignoring my chores and playing for a little while!! HAHAHAHA

We had a great trip to Durango, I got to go to one of my best friends baby shower while I was there, she's having triplets in June (identical twin boys and 1 girl) she already has a girl Kody who shares her birthday with Hunter only she's a year younger and SOOO beautiful like her mommy! At the shower of course I got to see so many of my friends which I usually don't get to see because when we visit Durango there is so much family we are obligated to visit that it's hard to fit in visits with friends. It was so fun to see all their kids (or at least the little girls) I had to laugh noticing no one brought their boys with them unless they were infants, they can be so ornery especially when your trying to have a quiet get together!
The weather was beautiful while we were there and a week after we left I guess it got crummy again so I'm glad we got to enjoy nice weather while it was to be had. Especially since I wanted to go to Florida or Mexico (some place warm) for spring break, not Durango.

My bulbs bloomed and I got some great pictures of some of them along with some of the trees too. But two days after I took pictures a big snow storm came through and totally ruined my azalea buds so not much bloomed on those!

Michael and I planted a garden last year and this year expanded it and built a new one too. We got it all planted right before a big rain storm so we got some great moisture on the garden. Isn't it funny how you can water and water but there is just something about rain water that does miracles. So after one week we have radishes and lettus coming up and after a week and a half have brussel sprouts and corn coming up too! So excited to see what two weeks will bring up. Especially after more rain!! HURRAY!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ethan & Samuel enjoying dinner

Samuel being the "Bad Guy"

Gabriel's first long distance trip!

Gabriel's new bed

Current quilt in progress, although I have more pictures just havent been able to download any of them yet. Pattern called "Turning Twenty" Uses 20 fat quarters.

Okay I've been really busy since my parents visit, Michael and Dad going to Louisiana fishing, their return, Samuel going with my parents to visit my sister in Texas and our trip to Durango. Lot's of things happened in that 3 weeks and I'm still trying to recover and get ready for, planting and more cleaning!! So I'm sure I'll have to break this up into 2 or 3 posts!! Don't want to bore anyone...too late I'm sure.

Well My parent's visit was great as usual, Michael and Dad got anxious to go fishing and left a day early, which was fine by Mom and I, gives us more time to go shopping. Although Shopping would be so much more fun not toting around a cranky 2 yr old and a hungry 3 month old!! And we always had to wait till after Hunter's school bus picked him up at noon and had to be back by 3:45pm to meet his bus also, not much fun when your always pressed for time either. One day we almost didn't make it back in time..oops! But we both decided to try our hands at using fabric Jelly Rolls (google it if your not sure what that is) although we didn't get anything made while we were together I am quite antsy to dive into my stash of new fabrics, but I have to get my other quilt binded (is that a word?) first.

Michael and Dad had a good time fishing, they brought back lots of Red Fish, Salt Water Trout and even a Flounder.
After the guys returned my parents decided to go visit my sister and her kids for a short while and bravely decided to ask if Samuel could go with them. Michael and I debated whether this would be okay or not, Hunter went with my folks to Colorado for almost two weeks just before his 2nd birthday but with his PDD he didn't know this was a scary thing, so we thought the pros out weighed the cons and let Samuel go. He did great and had an awesome time with Katherine, Ray, Evie and Ethan. I don't think they wanted to give him back they were having so much fun with him.

While Samuel was gone I got a lot done on my quilt and some cleaning/organizing done too. We also moved Samuel's crib out (he has refused to sleep in a big boy bed while his crib was in the same room) and since Gabe was in our room in a bassinet and quickly out growing it we jumped on the opportunity. Hoping upon Sam's return he would adjust quickly without a crib to crawl back into! Gabe is still in our room, we don't trust Samuel enough to stay out of the crib with the baby in it. But Samuel has adjusted to his new bed very nicely and so has Gabriel!! I'll get a picture of Samuel's new bed posted soon.

Well it's getting late so I'll do another post on our Spring Break trip later.