Yep I did it I am once again nominated for WORST MOTHER OF THE YEAR!! But this year I made a different category: worst accidents caused by my mother.
Here is Gabriel getting his first hair cut!! My other boys had so much hair they both made it to 9 months and had to get a hair cut, this little guy had very little hair but he wasn't bald so we got to wait till 16.5 months. He didn't care for getting his hair cut but the sucker seemed to help.
It has been a year since my last hair cut since I've been trying to grow it out from my very short cut back when I was pregnant with Gabe so I decided that since it was just me and Gabe I would get a trim. I always bring my own booster seat to the hair place so I don't have to sit and hold the kids and get all hairy and I can take pictures too, so I just moved Gabe over near the seat I was going to be at not bothering to strap the booster into the stylists seat and sure enough he threw a big fit and flipped himself with the chair on top of him smack onto the hard floor causing major blood and wailing. We drove away a few customers from all the commotion and got a free hair cut to boot, although my hair didn't get cut for a couple more weeks.
So there you have it the damage I caused my son and my first visit to an ER, amazingly enough since I have 3 boys!! Maybe I should just start a tab at the hospital because I'm quite certain that won't be the last time I'm there for an ER visit. Although I really hope it is!!
No broken nose and no lost teeth, luckily the tooth didn't go through the lip just cut it. He was in good spirits once I got him calmed down.
Gosh I still feel so horrible seeing these pictures!
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